Monday, April 30, 2007

A Voice for the Children

Below is an article about human rights. There are several links to different articles related to the same issues.

By Pamela Gaston, Oregon

A voice for children

NCHR's Comments.

The taking of newborns from their mothers at birth is a particularly inhuman practice. Article 12 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights guarantees the following:

"No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks."

In its verdict in the Case of K & T v. Finland, April 27, 2000 and July 12, 2001, the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, France, found Finland guilty of violation of the family's right to respect for private and family life that is guaranteed by Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. The taking of the new-born was found to be "not necessary in a democratic society". Finland had therefore breached its "margin of appreciation". The Court wrote inter alia:

"§ 144. (...) the mother's psychotic behaviour only hours after having found out that she had been deprived of her new-born baby cannot serve as a reason supporting a decision already made. Nor can a possible threat of such behaviour, in the case of a forthcoming care order, justify such a decision. The Court finds it likely that any mother - with or without mental history - would, in such circumstances, face a risk of behavioural disturbances."

Family, the cornerstone of every society, must be protected from unnecessary attacks and interferences from the State.

Pamela Gaston has produced a form "NOTIFICATION / PRESERVATION OF RIGHTS" which follows this article.

There is nothing we deal with that is harder than the terrified women who call for help who are pregnant and know that the STATE VULTURES are soon going to TAKE THEIR INFANTS AT BIRTH.

Being a mother, the grief of this is beyond comprehension, yet we deal with many of these cases - four right now that are going to have babies soon and are facing complete destruction of their Family Body. The STATE is making so much money and their goal is the children, especially the infants, that more families every day are being hit and shredded in this rendering machine.

Recently, judge Guimond in Salem, chair of the Multidisciplinary Task Force, the bridge between the federal money and the greedy little vipers at the state level, stated at a meeting "since the young single mothers are the most likely to put their children at risk it would be a great idea to write an initiative to take ALL children from ALL young single mothers, that being a major risk factor".

Also remember, POVERTY is a risk factor, so if you don't make a certain standard of money you are "failing to provide" for the child and it is removed for the state to provide for it. People never realized that where the Benchmarks Goals 2000 states "by the year 2010 there will be no more children living in poverty in Oregon" that it meant because all those children will be removed from their families. Last year, as the criminal Dr Kitzhaber promoted this whole family abuse plan, he stated that 60% of Oregon families are at risk. That was before the bottom fell out of the economy in Oregon and the poverty level is way higher now.

Recently we were asked to speak at a school who were studying the Family Protection Amendment initiative we wrote. The realization hit that I would be speaking to a whole class of young women and I would have to tell them that EVERY ONE OF THEIR BABIES IS AT RISK IN OREGON !!! EVERY ONE OF THEIR FAMILIES IS AT RISK TO BE DESTROYED. It was overwhelming to realize how dangerously our freedoms have been stripped and how aggressively this government is moving to saturate their agenda.

The following NOTIFICATION/PRESERVATION OF RIGHTS is for any woman who faces having her newborn removed from her breast after ten minutes at the hospital, without crime, without law, by the STATE snatch 'n sell agency. This woman, like so many others, lost a child to the state years ago, and automatically every child she has borne every since has been removed from her at birth. No matter what changes go on in her life, no matter how long has passed, no matter a different father, whole new family relationships, the baby is taken.

This is the Family Police main goal and main money maker. The Adoption Safe Families Act runs the courts with their federal funding streams that finance the courts but require compliance rules and enforcements. The new Oregon Children Plan in Oregon "outreaches" and "assesses" every firstborn. The hospitals now have prison lock down security systems where if a parent attempts to leave the hospital with their baby the doors all lock them in, triggered by a bracelet on the baby's ankle. They spin this to the public as being to "protect babies from being stolen" which happens almost never, but every day by the STATE.

The hospital and the state assess the mothers and families with an insane risk factor list and decide whether or not you will take your child home. In the zoos, the zookeepers do not touch the primate newborns knowing it will break the bond between mother and child, and the child will less likely thrive. The abuse of the human infants by the state for profit is kidnapping, as the baby is stolen - seized usually without charging anyone with a crime. It is also genocide against a CLASS of People, "low income", who are targeted for these compelled contracts and federal money spent to pay companies like Arthur Andersen to find all "welfare qualifying" families, to "offer" them "help".

They are violating their own rules, in order to get the federal money it says the child has to have suffered abuse in a recent event by the one alleged to have abused it. Most of the cases of the infants taken are automatic and no alleged abuse at all.

They make upwards of $90,000.00 in services contracts and up to $10,000 "bounty" for adoptions on fast track, calling our babies "commodities" in the "federal funding streams". The black market in infants and children is widely known, so much so that Oregon is known for "airport adoptions", reported in Good Housekeeping Magazine March l995 article, Stolen Babies.



We, along with others, sued the Oregon legislature last year for their horrendous criminal policies, but the Supreme court refuses to make them answer.

The mothers at the hospital are given deceptive paperwork when they enter to have their baby. They are offered coupons and services, and their signature is used as a "voluntary" waiver of their rights, although they do not know this. The corporate STATE proceeds as the parent of the child, and assesses the child and mother for services and programs, parenting classes, etc. If the parents refuse these services the STATE reports them as being "uncooperative" and the children are removed for that alone, to refuse services told to take you are found to place your children at risk.

All you can do is learn to protect yourself, and this is one way to do that. This is the Sui Juris process, and everything you do must be done in writing to protect yourself. This family will take friends to the hospital with them. A Video camera is excellent too. (Now you see why they are making new rules against video cameras in hospitals now !)

Make sure at least one friend is competent, has paper and pencil and GETS NAMES of everyone !! And everyone gets a copy of this notification. That is how it works. Should you file a lawsuit later on, you want to be able to say who the caseworker was and the sheriff was and be able to name them. And make sure your friend keeps a list of all who he serves the notification on.

I hope anyone who needs this benefits from it. Add to it as you like, but for best effectiveness it should stay one page.

This will have to be reformatted from the e-mail but this is what it should say.....

Leave the top line blank to fill out who you give it to and where. You can go ahead and sign the bottom part and have two friends witness it..... or leave that off and just get it notarized ..... ( don't sign it until you are in front of the notary )

Then you give this to anyone you need to and keep track of who you serve it on (remember the friend at the hospital needs to write down stuff like that for you)



To: ______________________________________________________
Address/Served: __________________________________________

I, ________________________________________________________
hereby notify the above named officer/party that my Inherent Rights and the Constitutionally protected sovereignty of my Family Body are preserved inviolate.

I DO NOT VOLUNTEER to give up my Rights, my Children, my Property. I DO NOT AGREE to intervention by any person or office acting unlawfully, and who violates my Constitutionally protected Rights. I am Human with Inherent Rights Given by God, and expressly not a corporation.

The state shall not encroach upon my Rights or Family Body. The state shall not seize my Children or Property or Freedom, nor restrict me in any way, nor compel any contract upon me without lawful warrant or evidence of a crime. I DO NOT AGREE to any compelled services contracts.

This NOTIFICATION is for all persons and officers, mandatory reporters and interveners, medical employees or subcontracted agents for the state, all who are bound to exercise lawful process before any intervention into my personal rights or those of my children or Family Body.

This NOTIFICATION serves as a TORT CLAIM should it be necessary to bring forth redress of grievances for abuse in a court of Law, due to said Party violating me or my children or my Family Body.

Dated ______________________________

Signed __________________________________________________

Witness _________________________________________________

Witness _________________________________________________

A warning to poor parents

Destruction of the Natural Family

Enfuriated Mother attacked social worker

Foster care vs Family preservation

Suppression of Family Rights

The State of Utah is buying federal dollars with the blood of our children

The State replacing parents in Sweden and North Carolina

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