Friday, April 6, 2007

My Intro

MY BODY MY RIGHTS!! This entire blog is dedicated to women and men alike that regard their body as their own. When you buy a washing machine no one tells you how to wash your clothes in it or what you are allowed to wash. When you spend your hard earned money on a brand new television, no one tells you what you can or cannot watch on your new tv. When you buy new clothes, no one tells you that you cannot wear them without matching. The list goes on and on. This is an empowerment to those of you who were born in your bodies. Your mother paid her hard earned dues to give you your body. No one should be able to tell you what you do with your body. As far as the government is concerned your body is no different than that washing machine, new tv, or that new pair of jeans that fit your body oh so very nice. Your body is yours; take it back. Take control of your body, it is by all effects your right!

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